Magnetism and Electromagnetism Ideas
Ideas compiled by Simon Poliakoff and Dan Jones
Ideas for teaching magnetism and electromagnetism
Please find below a google slides pack of ideas for teaching magnetism and electromagnetism compiled by Dan Jones and myself. The background colour indicates the key stages / age group it is likely to be most appropriate for and the icons indicated the type of activity. The traffic lights indicate how easy it is to implement (this is quite dependent on how well equipped your department is). Each slide either has a picture or a video. The idea is that you can flick through the slides and see if there are any ideas that appeal to you. You may find it easier to open the google slides in a new window. As always you should complete your own risk assessment but if you think we should highlight any issues then please let us know. You can leave any comments or suggestions via the google form linked from the bottom of this page. You can follow Dan on twitter ( with the handle @Hookean1 where he regularly shares ideas and links to useful things for physics and science teaching.
If you want to open it directly in google slides please click here
If you want to make your own copy onto your own google drive so you can edit it then click here
If you want to skip through to a particular slide then you can click on the number in the bottom left and a menu will pop up.